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2021.3 - 2021.5

Team members

Xingyu Li / Jiaying Wu / Yunqi Yan




Designer / user researcher / programmer / Engineer

Product Design / UI&UX Design / Service Design / IOT / Accessible Design 

Tilling Goodness

In this project, we focus on the elderly who are facing loneliness problems because of senile diseases or mobility limitations. we design a service system, including an interactive device and an application, for adults above 65 years old with mobility limitations. The system works in a retirement community that tries to solve lonely problems. We focus on two high-risk diseases of the elderly- MCI and stroke. I design an interactive device, an App, and a service flow to provide a guideline to our service system. Impact by Covid-19, I cannot test the prototypes in person. I will do it later and refine the product based on the users’ feedback.

See More Details in

Device Demo

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